AOL Mail Login, Sign up Aol Mail –


AOL Mail is the free web-based email franchise from the coloration – AOL. AOLMail Login can be done using any device which has access to internet connection. AOL Mail is also known as AIM Mail where “AIM” stands for AOL Messenger, is a global mass media company. AIM is AOL’s intsant messaging and it functions very much like the Yahoo! Messenger.

The aim of this post is to guide you on AOL Mail Login and also, if you are yet to Sign up AOL mail, this article will also teach you how to go about that. But before we go down to the process, let’s see the features of AOL

Features of AOL Mail

  • AOL Mail has an advanced features with easy, user friendly platform for the email users.
  • AOL offers an unlimited storage for all the AOL email users.
  • With a spam filter option which helps you choose between Low, Medium and High, AOL’s Security Suite Download is recommended as it protects the virus containing emails keeping your account safe.
  • AOL Mail allows you to choose your own domain name. Your email must not look like So, you can route your AOL Mail through the domain you might own, so now your free email address has the potential to look like
  • The AIM panel includes very basic AIM features like Buddy List, and the ability to send messages i.e IM’s, start chat sessions and send text messages.
  • With AOL Blog you can easily create your AOL Blog Journal which is free.

Now lets see how to create AOL mail account.

Logging in to AOL Mail.

To log in, you need to have an active AOL MAIL account.

SEE ALSO: YopMail Login YopMail Account

Step by Step Guide To Sign Up AOL Mail

  1. With your your web browser go to
  2. On the AOL Mail login page, click ‘Get a Free Username‘ link just below the Sign In button
  3. Once on the AOL mail registration form, type in your First Name in the left field.
  4. Type in a username which you want to get identified by in the Username field. For convenience, you can simply pick one which AOL provided.
  5. Create a password you can use for signing up for AOL mail account. Ensure your password is strong but make sure you can remember it easily.
  6. Next, select the Month, Day and Year from the drag down list to give your Birth date information.
  7. Then select your Gender from the Gender list. Type in your current Zip code in the field provided.
  8. Select your Security Question and provide the answer in the field below.
  9. Enter your mobile number by first selecting your Country code from the list provided. Once you provide your mobile number, you can easily verify or recover your forgotten password.
  10. Enter the letter or numbers you see in the image verification code.

Once your information in the Sign Up form is completed, click on the Sign Up button for successful account creation.

Steps To Login to AOL Mail

  • Go to the web address using your web browser.
  • Click on the mail icon to go to the AOL Mail login page.
  • Type your AOL mail sign username (screen name) or your full email address.
  • Type in your password of your AOL mail login.
  • Tick the box next to ‘Remember Me‘ option if you are signing in using your own personal PC, laptop or mobile phones.
  • Then click on the Sign in button to get access of your AOL mail login, provided your login details is correct.

AOL E-Mail: Checking E-Mail in the Inbox

To check out an email in the inbox, click on the mail and it’ll open up. All the activities to manage email is located on top of the home window:

  • To write an new e-mail, click on “compose” button located on the top left of the screen.
  • Reply option allows you create a reply back to an existing message to the sender or to all receivers
  • Forward email will allows you to forward email to all the required recipients
  • There is a pull-down menu with options like flag a message, mark a message as new, moving to various other folders, printing it, and so on
  • Delete option will send the message to Trash folder, additionally situated on the left-hand side
  • Spam option sends out the message to your Spam folder as well as will certainly assist AOL Mail determine future spam

Resetting your AOL forgotten password.

  • i. Visit the sign-in helper from AOL web page.
  • ii. Select one of the account recovery options listed.
  • iii. Click on the Continue button.
  • iv. Follow the quidded instructions provided.

Changing your AOL Password.

  • i. Visit the Account Security Page.
  • ii. Select Change Password.
  • iii. Enter your old password followed by your new password then repeat the new password from the boxes provided respectively.
  • iv. Click Continue.

Fix AOL signing in problems.

  • i. Refresh the web page.
  • ii. Sign out then sign in again.
  • iii. Restart the internet browser.
  • iv. Reset browser settings by clearing cookies and cache.
  • v. Fix password problems.
  • vi. Enable Java Scripting from browser settings.
  • vii. Disable firewall or pop-up settings.
  • viii. Use a different web browser.

AOL Mail has many features like rich text formatting. Using Attach file icon, we can attach an image or any other file. We can also spell check the message with the spelling button. Click misspelled words to see recommended improvements. When you’re pleased with your message, click on the send button. If your message is not ready to send then you can make it as draft. And the message is moved to your draft folder.

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