Best Way To Download Facebook Video On Your PC


You can now download Facebook video on your Pc by using this simple method that i will show you on this post. This days, people have started to develop an affinity towards online videos on YouTube and Facebook.

People enjoy watching videos uploaded by friends on Facebook. Everyday, lots of videos are being upload by different people on Facebook, and this makes Facebook more interesting.


You may come across an interesting video or educative video and you will want to download the video from Facebook to your computer. Now this article will show you how to do that.

Here on this post you will see the simple steps to download Facebook video on your PC without installing any software, or the use of Add-ons of your browser.

Steps To To Download Facebook Video On Your PC

Before you start, you need to first login to your Facebook account.


1. When you come across a video on Facebook you like to download.

2. Select the video and play it

3. Kindly right click on the video. This will show you the video url.

4. Copy the video url and open a new tab from your browser and simply past it in the address bar.

5. Now you have to replace the “Web” in the url link with “m” and press the enter button.

6. When the page finish loading, it will display the video in mobile platform. Now click on the video again to play, this will open in a new tab.

READ MORE: New Facebook Home Page Login

7. simply right click on the video and select the option that says “Save Video As”

8. Select the file folder you want to save the video on your PC and click on Save.

9. Now allow the video to download and save on your PC.

So, when you come across a video on Facebook you like to show someone or watch later, you can follow the steps above to download Facebook Video to your PC device.


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