How to Logout of Twitter From PC, Android Smartphone And iOS Device


How to Logout of Twitter From Any Device.

This post will show you all the various ways to sign out of your Twitter account, using any device. There are lots of different devices from which you can log out from.

How to Logout of TwitterSuch device include desktop and laptop PC’s (using any web browser like Chrome, Safari, Explorer, Firefox, etc), mobile devices like your smartphones and tablets, Android, iOS, etc.

To logout of Twitter on any devices is very easy and simple. But if you find it difficult, don’t worry you will definitely get the whole details. Simply follow that step-by-step instructions for every device, depending on the device you are using.

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How to Logout of Twitter From Computer

  • Using any of your favorite web browser and go to
  • Click on your profile picture, which is located at the upper, right-hand corner of the page.
  • From the drop-down menu, then click on the “Log out” button as shown in the picture below:

How to Logout of Twitter From Android

  • Launch your Twitter app from your android phone
  • Tap your profile picture which is located at the top menu.
  • Hit or tap on “Settings” button.
  • Now Kindly click “Sign Out”, and finally tap “OK” to complete the log out process.

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How to Sign Out of an iOS Device (iPhone or iPad)

  • On the Twitter app for iOS, tap on the gear icon which is located at the top in the “Me” tab.
  • Then tap on the “Sign Out” button to log out successfully.

So that’s it on how to logout of Twitter from PC, Android Smartphone & iOS Device. Hope that was helpful, if so please do share to others to learn.


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