www.youtube.com/pair | How To Play Videos On TV or Gaming Console


How To Play Videos On TV or Gaming Console


It is very easy to connect a mobile device to a television to be able to stream YouTube videos wirelessly with the help of YouTube Pair service.

Provided a device is paired with YouTube, simply click the “cast” icon that appears on their device, and any YouTube video will stream from the device to the connected TV. This article will guide you on how you can play Videos on Television or Gaming Console, provided you have access to the internet.

YouTube is a video website founded in 2005, and it’s headquarters based in San Bruno, California. It gives users access to upload video content free, Most of YouTube’s content is uploaded by individual users, but many media outlets like NBC and ABC upload verified content to the site.

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All YouTube users can upload videos that are up to 15 minutes long. But users who have a history of generating quality content can upload videos that are up to 12 hours long.

How To Play Videos On TV or Gaming Console Via www.youtube.com/pair

Before you start, you must have a YouTube account to start the pairing process. Also a TV or game console (i.e. Xbox, PS4), and a strong internet connectivity.

  1. Kindly follow the below instruction to start pairing a YouTube device.
  2. First, you need to visit the YouTube app on your TV or their game console.
  3. Locate or find the “Settings” section.
  4. Once found, click the “Pair Device” button.
  5. Then kindly enter or type in the pairing code that’s shown on the TV into the box on the device.

You see it even takes less than 60 seconds to pair, but note that YouTube videos streamed from a mobile device uses data on the device that streaming was initiated on. So i recommended you get connected to a home Wi-Fi connection before you do this.


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